All scriptures are underlined.

Alpha & Omega Lie


That which was from the beginning is now and is yet to come.



What Is The Alpha And Omega Lie?

Satan is a one-note samba, a one-trick pony, a one-hit wonder, and a useful idiot.   Nevertheless, armed with only one talent, he has become an extraordinarily proficient master performer with it.   his lie is the same from the beginning to the end.

“Ye Shall Not Surely Die”

From the Garden of Eden to today’s teachings, it has not changed or had any thematic variation.  he always aims it at the people of God; only one chapter away from God saying “You Shall Surely Die”. Yet he convinced humanity to take a nibble of his lie. BANG we were and are hooked! Let’s face it, who does not want an easy out? Thus we are now on the long ride through time to get us back to the Garden to be able to walk and talk in person with the LORD daily.



We shall surely not fall for it again, right?

We already have.  Satan once again has aimed the ‘Alpha and Omega Lie’ towards God’s children. Being the most subtle beast of the field, this time he is not using a literal snake, but our clergy.   Even Peter tried the same lie on Jesus when he attempted to keep Him from the cross.  Get thee behind me O ‘man of God’. Satan’s performances are not only simplistic and predictable but truly amazing to watch, based on man’s profound stupidity.   he has convinced 95% of the body of Christ, not only to believe the lie but to teach, preach, and FUND the old lie. 



The New Old Lie

Turn on any Christian television, radio, or video, or walk into any Christian bookstore and you are inundated with the lies. Become a Christian and “You Surely Will Not Die”. Say the Prayer of Salvation, and you will not have to go through the tribulation period nor will you be killed by the antichrist or his workers like our family and friends who will turn us in. 


The bible of course does not teach this, but satan and the profound clergy do.

God said:


Paul Said:


There is not a scripture that says we will not die.  In fact, there are volumes that say we will die.  There are verses that say we will not spend time in the grave sleeping.  What is the difference?   Beloved, death is the cause, to spend time sleeping in the grave is the effect.   Why make a point of it? It is this misinterpretation that leads to a greater misunderstanding of scripture.  The understanding that we do die then clears up the many errors and contradictions that would occur in the bible if we do not die. It also disbands false doctrines like: ‘flesh and blood do enter heaven’, ‘only certain folk will make it through the tribulation and live forever in the flesh’, and ‘bodies will vanish off the planet and go to heaven’. None of which is true (see tares).  The rapture is clearly for our spiritual (celestial) bodies and souls. Consider the following scriptures.

We which are alive and remain shall be caught up and ever be with the Lord, or  We shall not all sleep…O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?

These verses state, for those who make it through the tribulation alive to the very end; will have an instant, painless, sting-less death at His return.  Also that our bodies will not be buried nor spend any time sleeping or corrupting in a grave.    It does not mean ‘only’ those found alive, will have a fleshly advantage over those saints who were killed a few centuries or days before.   There are not two separate classes of Christians on that last day.   Yes, the dead in Christ rise, and then those living are caught up.  However, the dead and living are not rising into the air in two different states; nor are the dead given fleshly terrestrial bodies.   Paul is very clear that the dead are not raised up with a terrestrial body; in fact he proclaims those who believe this are fools!   Revelation proclaims that the blood of prophets and saints are found on the earth; showing that flesh and blood are left behind and cannot inherit heaven.  Both the dead and the alive are transfigured beyond words; their flesh shell is radiated away where it stood, we are given celestial bodies which are equal with angels and refulgent as the sun.  It simply means those found alive, have a most glorious hope and promise.   Those end-time saints who overcome to the very end of the tribulation; are not assigned to the wrath of a painful or stinging death, but painlessly assigned a new celestial body.  


Prized of Father, an amazing post-tribulation clue is given here; that we which are ‘alive and remain’ will be caught up in the air.  This shows that many have been ‘killed AND taken out’ for those saints to be the only ones that are ‘alive AND remain’.  Why even bother mentioning the words ‘alive and remain’, if it was life as normal before His return?  No, Jesus was right, saints will die during the tribulation; only from the enemies’ wrath, not God’s wrath. Firmly establishing that the saints are the last standing. 



Unlock the words to reveal things both old and new.

Moreover, it is impossible for the celestial to experience the sinful sting of death.   Paul is quoting Hosa 13 that we will be ransomed from the grave, O death, O grave I (the Lord) will be your plague and destruction.  Not unlike the dead in Christ will rise first and the last enemy to be killed is death.   It cannot violate other verses that proclaim the opposite.   Why else would Jesus say, Children would deliver parents up to be killed during the tribulation and that we would be killed for His name’s sake during the tribulation period?   All flesh will be left behind, both sinner (1st sickle) and saint (2nd sickle); for a sweet savor for Father’s meat and drink offering (see Euphrates & Bloodlake).   The distinction is, the saints will peacefully fall to sleep in that day. 

Beloved we are not promised protection from the 1st death, only the 2nd death, if your name remains in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

Revelation says:


Daniel said:


We are not appointed to God’s wrath, but we are subject to the enemy’s wrath.  Little children hide thyself for a little while.


Beloved angels of God, do not fall for the ‘Alpha and Omega Lie’ again.  You shall surely die. Prepare your mind and body now for the coming storm.  Let not your faith fail in that day which will come upon the whole world.  Be not deceived by the old lie.   Let no ‘man of God’ deceive you.   All men die for their sins, yet forgiven in spirit and soul; that flesh shell which has sinned cannot face towards God.  For that last generation, our bodies do not magically disappear off the planet; but we leave them behind, in a wink of an eye (4-tenths of a second).   Our days shall be shortened and will not suffer the global meltdown.   Flesh and Blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God; nor can it stand or occupy the same space with that which is pure and holy.  Our terrestrial body will be left behind and He will give us a new celestial Body.  For a short moment; like Jesus on the cross, the Father will likewise forsake our bodies at the time of the second sickle.  So that which is terrestrial shall painlessly fall to sleep and vaporize into light during the regeneration and transfiguration unto the Father of Lights.  Then that which is celestial shall shine forth as the brightness of the Sun and we shall be equal to angels once again.


To God be the glory forever and ever, Amen.