All scriptures are underlined.


Before the beginning, God created the angels.

After sharing the following revelation with a beloved sister, she aggressively rebuked and mocked me.  Then prayed that God would have mercy on my eternal soul for even suggesting such a thing.  On another occasion, a certain brother pointed his finger in my face and told me “Don’t be a heretic!” then turned and walked away. 

“I consider looseness with words no less of a defect than looseness of the bowels.”         

– John Calvin

As for those value judgments, I will let you decide.  Either way, you have been advised of the potentially volatile nature of this missive.  Thankfully for me, burning at the stake is currently no longer in vogue for iconoclasts.  To their defense, I did understand their anger, based on their inability to empirically disprove the revelation.  Unless you can find direct scripture that says the opposite, all you have is an angry opinion; whereas I come with the authority and words from Angels, Jesus, and the LORD GOD.  Below are many scriptures that not only imply but directly state the following is true, as you shall see.



Nevertheless, it is a deep saying and that which has been learned, lost, locked, and unlocked in the latter times; for our edification of pre-existence, eternal kinship, and His hidden purposes.  It is worth stating; that I have encountered a majority that agree and are excited to hear these words, than the few who do not.  Jesus had the same situation of spiritual absorption into deeper issues by His own followers.  Remember, God takes great pleasure to hide deep things, and it is the glory of kings to seek out and unveil them.

“What a piece of work is a man, how noble in reason, how infinite in faculties, in form and moving how express and admirable, in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god!” 

– William Shakespeare 

Before the beginning, God created all the angels.   It happened before creation and the advent of time. Perfectly created Lucifer and his band of not-so-merry angels decided to rebel against God and overtake the kingdom.   Perhaps they were lusting after the throne or Father’s adoration from our worship?   Nevertheless, a tragic, overly ambitious, and entertaining battle campaign was waged.   I am looking forward to repeatedly watching that battle played back with slow-motion replay someday.  


As a result of this battle over free will, God decided to create this prison of time and space called creation.  This place we call Earth was created perfect, but it was not created for our bliss. Its first purpose was a holding cell, with a great gulf fixed between God and the enemy.  Its secondary purpose was to become a testing facility.  The reason satan is the god of this world is because he was here first.  It was for this rebellion God created the heavens, the earth, all therein, and finally the first dustman in our image.  Yet prior to Adam, lucifer was immediately shot down to earth at the speed of light; slamming his carcass so hard onto the surface of the earth, he had to crawl around a while.  his mutinous fellow angels, comprised of one-third of Heaven’s simplest, were likewise evicted.   Most went into the pit to be reserved till the Day of Judgment; some were allowed access to the creation, for God’s purpose.  This was one of the most joyful and liberating events in Heaven for all its inhabitants; to finally flush the irritation. In fact, the bible records that all the “morning stars, and sons of God” (angels) shouted for joy at this time.  This time was so joyous that after the disciples returned to Jesus with all the good news that demons were subject to them, it said Jesus rejoiced in the Spirit.  The first thing Jesus could say to equate this joy with was to recall the day when He saw satan fall like lightning.  What a day of liberation that must have been in Heaven, to evict these monotonous whiners.


The reason fallen angels want to possess humans, is that they were cast to earth without a body.  They are trapped in a physical world without the ability to touch, taste, smell, or feel it, a most righteous and sublime torment.  Thus they were in their view, cheated from getting a terrestrial body.


God had inserted an extremely powerful random element into these angels, called free will.   This was not only necessary for meaningful communication with His creation, but also for meaningful praise from His creation.  Without this random element at the heart of all His work, we would be nothing more than a mindless, pre-programmed, robotic toy to praise Him at His will, not out of their hearts.   It means the world to any father, to have his children run up to him and wrap their arms around him and tell him “I love you, daddy”.  Imagine the same scenario with the threat of a beating looming, if compliance was not obeyed.   No, free will, no matter how painful the results, had to be inserted to show ultimate love from both sides, the Creator and the creation.


Now here we stand at the beginning of creation with one-third fallen angels and two-thirds (my estimate is 33 to 35 trillion, see Blood Lake page) in Heaven stunned and looking around at the situation and in awe of God’s wrath, hoping for pity towards them when they fail. 


By reason of such a display of disobedience, God seeing the destructive power of free will in action, would come to the obvious question, who was on the fence up here?   Which of the two thirds were close or even considered following Lucifer, but lacked the fortitude or proper timing?  Keep in mind that it was Michael and his angels that attacked and conquered Lucifer and his simpleton followers; the bible does not say, all the Heavenly host joined in the battle.



God knew a test was in order.  For who knew the hearts of these two-thirds?  God knew, before we left Heaven who would pass and fail.  Those that would fail, were simply not written in the Book of Life prior to leaving, those who would pass were written, so none would be lost.  But without a test, no true verdict, nor proof, could be rendered by His jury that is not omniscient.  Thus Paul’s explanation that “for he whom he foreknew he also predestined [before time]”, finally rings true. Yes, the Lord’s [permissive] will is that none should perish; however, He allows free will the power to forsake His hope.  God foreknew whose heart was lukewarm* of the remaining two-thirds, but wanted them to convict themselves via the evidence of the ‘test of life’.  For this is in line with His word; “that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.” He also foresaw the final sacrificial requirement and invoked the ‘predestined test’ of the remaining two-thirds; to weed out those which loved not their lives unto death.


Therefore God devised a supremely complex and fair method of determining which of His angels would be faithful followers, in the moment of decision.  God then made a way for redemption through Jesus.  This method would manifest results with the ultimate test of free will and faithfulness to the Father of Lights. 

The master plan was to allow each one go free into the world and see who would be faithful upon His return. 

Creation was not the goal, but the means to an end.  An end to time and much tribulation, an end to refining dross from hearts of gold and silver. This was the solution to both the convicted fallen first third and hope to those remaining two-thirds. First and foremost, was to create a pathway home, through redemption; by painfully assigning His son Jesus, the spotless, blood-sprinkled sacrificial lamb, before the earth was even created. Once Jesus was convicted to certain death, the earth could now be created as a prison to satan and his followers; as well as a testing facility for us remaining two-thirds.

God began this experiment in the perfect setting, the Garden of Eden.   Lush, stunning, complete with all needs, including the ‘control test item’, the tree of knowledge, seasoned with temptation by a select number of fallen brethren.  The question of the ages is, why does God allow evil to exist?  The answer is quite simple, the demonic element was and is allowed access to determine our faithfulness to the same temptation of the previous mutiny.  This time God took the messy experiment outside the House, into the controlled environment of the backyard garden.  If it were not for the mutinous rebellion, we would all still be blissfully in Heaven before the face of God. Eve’s ‘original sin’ (a false doctrine) was not original at all; it was a microscopic clone when compared to the much larger horrific tragedy that preceded it, the one-third’s fallen ‘prime’ sin. The original sin was conceived in Heaven by Lucifer, then repeated by Eve, then Adam, and all of humanity after their age of accountability.  Nevertheless, these events started the most complex social science experiment to date.  God knew under the wrong set of circumstances, all would fail (even sinless Eve and Adam), over the same mutiny temptation, to be like Him.  Remember their sin was the same as our one-third simpleton brethren, ‘to be like God’.  


After some forbidden fruit eating, God removed their celestial bodies, leaving them only with naked glorified bodies, and would soon receive their terrestrial bodies.  Just like Moses hiding in the rock from the presence of the Lord when He walked by; so it was for Eve and Adam, they too hid, only hearing the Lord’s voice not seeing; since they would die without the celestial protection.  Some say that the skins God made for them were from an animal; thus the first animal blood sacrifice for a remission of sin.  I do not believe this interpretation, for if their sin was forgiven, they would not have been banished.  No, there was no sacrifice, they were not forgiven, but cursed. Beloved after sinning, they lost their light-emitting celestial bodies and had only their glorified bodies.  Bodies like Jesus had post-resurrection: fully clothed, able to walk through walls and also to drink and eat food (supernatural bone and flesh), in His glorified body.  40 days later Jesus would receive His celestial body, that Peter, James & John saw on the mountain, Stephen and John the Revelator saw, as well as in the furnace of Nebuchadnezzar.   The skins that God made for them were their corruptible terrestrial skins, with both the glorified and the celestial removed.  These are the garments of flesh that we should not soil.  They were naked spiritually and physically, the shame was not sex organs or physical bodies whose shape stayed the same, but sin, absence of their light emission and covering up nerve receptors to this odd uncomfortable thing called heat.  Since they were now “like us” Jesus (and the angels, gods) they were sentient; we see no occurrence of angels in scripture appearing naked since they too are sentient gods (knowing good and evil).  Moreover, they did not have sex nor conceive, until God made terrestrial “skins” for them in chapter four; nor will they have sex in heaven after the resurrection, when they return to the ecstasy of their celestial bodies.  Nevertheless, these sex devices were now needed to populate the earth and begin the fair and unbiased testing of the remaining two-thirds. 


Man’s curse to work with sweat and women’s painful childbirths are actually the effects of the curse (which we keep attempting to avoid through science and technology).  The cause or base curse, which is unavoidable are ‘Time & Heat’.  Our true curse was the invention of time through heat, the caloric theory of work, or frictional displacement over time.  Time and heat did not exist prior to the fall, nor will they last one day past the ‘last day’ of this grand experiment.   One may ask how can we justify this with the six days of creation or from one new moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the LORD.  Motion, be it of stars, planets, animals, plants, or Eve and Adam; does not preclude they were not living outside of time.  Moreover, they were to live forever if sinless.  Isaiah was showing not time passage, but the infinite relativity for our carnal perception.   This can also be seen in “Nor an old man that hath not filled his days: for the child shall die a hundred years old.”  Again this was for the perception of the reader’s understanding of the incomprehensible concept of eternity.  No one will die or age in Heaven.  For in the new creation, time and heat will stop, as Revelation demands.  Nevertheless, we know animals, plants, and angels move in the new heaven yet time is missing; therefore ‘motion’ is irrelevant to the time when the curse is removed.  Once Father puts an end to time and heat, our curse, our battle with all the laws of physics will cease. 

For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O God, beside thee, what he hath prepared for him that waiteth for him.

As the curse of time played with man, life spans began to be shortened; to fit God’s cosmic timetable.  To pass the remaining two-thirds of angels through the test in time, each perfectly born out of due time; to be tried like gold and silver for the wedding supper invitation.  All to be reunited with the faithful still in their graves; after 6000> years on that glorious last day, to meet Him in the air, not a day sooner.   Yes, to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord; however, the impossible burden of proof that the spirit has left that sleeping body remains in the hands of the confused and angry.


God said, “Let us create man in our image”.  Who was ‘our’?  Some would say God was talking only to Jesus.   However, since ‘our’ implies several or a group and God and the Holy Spirit are invisible.  God was talking to those with humanoid shapes, Jesus, and the angels.  Scripture also supports angels are perfectly humanoid in appearance or more correctly stated, we are angeloid in appearance.  Thus Jesus was not making it up as He went.  Let us see, perhaps three arms would be handy for them.  No, Jesus had a complete freestanding model of what His dust creature needed to have.  All He had to do is look at Himself or the on-looking angels. Let us see, we all have two arms, legs, eyes, a mouth, a head, opposable thumbs, walk upright, and no tails.  Jesus said this looks perfect according to ‘our image’.  He then breathed life (an angel/spirit) into the dust creature.  Man was thusly born, angeloid. 

I love the Latin translation of angel, which is “angelus.”

Earthly men are not in their Heavenly state as of yet equal to angels.  If you make a distinction that men are not angels, then it contradicts Jesus’ statement that on that last day we shall be fully equal to angels.   Jesus did not say on that last day there will be angels and man as well.  Jesus made no separation at the regeneration.

Keep in mind the six day Creation account, makes no mention of God creating 35 trillion “people” things held in some box awaiting copulation.  Only the fallen and non-fallen personalities.

To make the test true and uncompromised, the only requirement for this transfiguration from angels to the dust creature, was the erasure of their minds (not unlike Jesus as we shall see) and past Heavenly experience.  Thus were omitted special qualities like; supernatural abilities, foreknowledge or their Heavenly home, and the prior very personal relationship with God.  Some scientists say we only use 10% of our neurons at any given moment.  It is amazing to ponder what we will be like when the other 90% are allowed to fire at the same time.

Sometimes things are so obvious, we must ask ourselves why we have not seen it before. 

Jesus said at the resurrection we would be equal to the angels, with their likeness and abilities; in other words indiscernible.  In Greek “equal” means; are, be, and were (past, present, and future).   Jesus also said that at His return, the saved would shine as the brightness of the sun, therefore also fulfilling Deborah’s prophecy.  Some call this non-biblical term the ‘Rapture’; but Jesus specifically termed this, the time of our regeneration.  That is to say, our reconstruction from whence we came, the celestial.  It is our literal metamorphosis or our transfiguration. This will be the shedding of our filthy flesh shells (painlessly for the saved) turned back into the incorruptible.  Reunited to the Father of lights and to His Christ, the bright and Morning Star; having been away on a long journey.  

Under the Father of Lights, we are truly His lights of the world, which will shine as bright as the sun; therefore where we are going, we cannot cast a shadow. Eye has not seen what resplendent angelic beings we shall be.

Beloved, no matter what any ‘man of God’ attempts to tell you about a physical pre-tribulation rapture; with empty cars, airplanes, clothing, or vanishing bodies, it is all a lie.   Only the tares are taken at the mill, field & bed then fed to eagles. Remember what Jesus said, the wicked are removed from the just.  The believers are the wheat, that are gathered (raptured) immediately after the tribulation.   Children of Father, flesh and blood cannot enter Heaven!  These teachers have not studied to show themselves approved and are therefore now ashamed before God and us remaining angeloids. Our flesh shells and all the elements of earth (of which we are composed thereof) are not vaporized till His return.  As the atheist astronomer Carl Sagan correctly spoke, unaware of his religious accuracy; “We are all created from ‘Star Stuff’ and are on our journey to go back to our origin – in the Stars.”  Thus it is written that this corruptible shall put on incorruption, our glorified bodies and we shall shine forth with the brightness of the sun (stars).    


Not unlike our arrival into this world, Jesus had part of His divinity poured out when He landed inside Mary.  If He had entered Mary in His glorified state, her uterus would have blown up, from an incompatible rejection by her flesh.  That is why He asked that no one was to touch Him post-resurrection at the tomb.   Thus Jesus had His memory erased at birth as well.  Jesus did not pop out speaking Aramaic or Hebrew.  He had to learn, read, and relearn what He wrote in scripture thousands of years prior.  For Jesus increased in obedience, wisdom, and stature, and in favor with God.  It is amazing to even conceive He had to grow in favor with God.  According to scripture, there was an approval process even for Jesus before the Father: from birth, through the tears in the garden, the trial, until the last nail and final breath, He could have backed out at any time (no free rides).  Yet only through obedience to the end, was he perfected.  Jesus did not even have the Holy Spirit until His 27th birthday after He visited His second cousin in the river. Only after that, was He able to endure a direct assault on His flesh in the desert and overcame satan.  Jesus even got regenerated or charged up once on the mountain.  At the transfiguration, interestingly it says; after six days (6000 yrs?) He took a few disciples up the mountain.  Then Jesus regenerated again, after His death and resurrection, with His barely recognizable glorified (transmuted celestial) new body.  Yes, Jesus came in the flesh. It is possible His normal body vaporized upon this regeneration into light radiation, scarring any grave wrappings.  This is sustained by the fact that when the stone was rolled away, (unlike Easter church drama plays), Jesus was not inside.  A physical body could not slip its way through a sealed stone door.  This certainly implies that He did not leave with His corruptible body through a sealed tomb.   Likewise, as the bible repeatedly confirms, we cannot take our sinful bodies to the marriage supper.  Thus the sheep are given new wedding garments of incorruptible light.   We no longer have need of this flesh shell, nor can it adapt to traveling as light, pure energy outside of the curse of time and multi-dimensional space.

Therefore at our regeneration, we shall be like Him and equal to the angels.  For we are the remaining two-thirds that are being tried in the fire of life, like silver and gold.

One may ask, does it not say there will be all nations in Heaven, to be separated as sheep and goats?   Yes, but this was written for our comprehension and clarification.  If it had only said angels, this would start a false teaching that believes; men would never see Heaven, as some blaspheme.  It could also have lost the hidden mystery that the apostles knew, that we are now in spirit and ‘were and will’ be in glorified bodies, refulgent and radiant angels once again.  So the reason nations were mentioned, was for our understanding, it could be read ‘all nationalities or groups of angels’. All do go to Heaven; even the sinners get to go for judgment, they get to see what they will be missing, how indescribably sad.  Jesus says at that point, we would be equal to angels; He also said we are gods (higher than man), thus ruling out two separate created beings.



There are certainly different classes of Heavenly angels; may chance of wheat, or of some other grain.  Yet some are permanent residents of Heaven such as; Seraphim, Cherubim, Dominations, Thrones, Principalities, Powers, Virtues, Archangels and the like that are needed for normal Heavenly functions. There are also the normal majority two-thirds Angels (us); His treasure soon to be implanted into cursed earthbound zygotes.



Another question you may have; how is it possible for Jesus to return on that last day with ALL His angels with Him? Keep in mind that first He sends forth all the reaping angels to gather the tares first and burn them.  Then all the dead saints (angels) from their graves; are raised before those living at that time.  So Jesus does return with ALL His holy angels, the reapers, and all our dearly beloved deceased saints with Him; what a glorious gift and day that will be! 

We see the natural face in the glass, but the Lord sees the supernatural, as demonstrated by Moses and Stephen.

Scriptures to reflect upon:



This angelic awareness answers many more questions than it raises.  For instance;


There are no old folk or infants in Heaven, all of us are angels, the same age, born at the same moment before creation millennia ago. To think otherwise is to be carnally minded.  Our Father would not condemn a baby with the intellect of a infant or adult, trapped in an infant’s body as without teeth for eternity. As for the elderly, they too shall be as beings of light, no winkles, new teeth and no osteoporosis. If both of these traditional misconceptions (old and young) were true, eternity would sound more like the lake of fire than Heaven.  No, we all will be given a new adult celestial body that is fully functional to create, build and garden. Neither is God a respecter of persons; all have the same potential in Heaven.  This new body is why the Disciples and Mary had a hard time recognizing Jesus after the resurrection.  The same phenomena happened at the transfiguration, His countenance (or “face” NKJV, NIV) changed. Jesus simply looked closer to His Heavenly peak prime age.

                                                       What does this angelic understanding yield?


It reveals that we are all eternal beings.  There is no account in the creation sequence, of which day Father created the angels.  This is because we: were, are, and will always be, the angelic family of the Most High; long before the 1st day of creation, He knew us.  We who are the called, were His from pre-eternity, through the eternity to come. God currently lives inside us, and we in Him.  Jesus’ prayer that we be one, will surely happen in the fullness upon that consummate union, on that last day.  We are His Bride, He is our Groom, we will be married soon; as it was before creation, and so it shall always be.

It gives me an extremely powerful tool for understanding these ‘angeloid people’ on a daily basis.  It helps me see past the prejudice of: politics, skin color, gender, or religion.  It sees past grumpy folk, it allows me to look into the depths of their eyes and see the God creation within. It teaches us that these are our fellow brethren.  It has given me patience that I never imagined I had within me.  If you are able to look at everyone as God does, His Children sent on a mission into a far country for testing, it gives you a feeling of love towards the unlovable. 



It should also give you a feeling of satisfaction and honor; knowing that you were not one of the moronic foolish one-third that fell alongside the court jester Lucifer.  You were one of the two-thirds that did not rebel and stayed on God’s side.  You were either wise or fearful.  Nevertheless, you have now eaten of the tree and know what is right and wrong. Behold, the man is become as one of us, (a sentient god) to know good and evil.  Now your potential pre-time pacifistic inaction must be tried like silver and gold in this life.

It will give peace to those who struggle with their faith.  Often the tormentous philosophical question is asked, where was consciousness before my birth; and where will it be after my death? Consciousness has always been, both before and after this perception called life.  We have simply forgotten our previous home, yet all of us will return for judgment.

What songwriter has not called their love an angel?  Or what mother among us, has not called her baby an angel?   These mothers are instinctively and discerning and spiritually correct; formed from a nine-month experience that makes their confession unknowingly divinely accurate.  If these mothers do not believe such is actually true, they should not propagate nor contradict their own belief system and remain silent with such heretical statements.  No, mothers glorify God with your divine testimony from the roof tops; out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise and except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of Heaven; for the Lord God has truly granted you an angel!

It should also bring respite and eventually healing to those involved with abortions.  First, repent, rend your hearts before the Father of Lights, and then be at peace in His atonement dear children of the King.  The most holy angels in Heaven are still required to pass through life’s test and be assigned to the first death.  It was comforting to learn from the Holy Spirit that those most holy are the aborted fetuses by the most unholy among us; repent and be forgiven today for your genocide of convenience.  Pedophiles hear calls for death, life sentence and a most certain unforgivable scarlet letter from both Church and State: for touching a child inappropriately.  Yet the premeditated purée of a child’s life, is legal for both doctor and parents; yet in this case, the Church stands there with tears and outstretched arms of forgiveness, hypocrites!  Tell me, which is the greater crime and why is your unforgivable outrage towards one, but not the other?  O filthy judge, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses from such duplicitous hypocrisy! Thankfully these silent holy are inserted into these wombs intentionally; only here long enough to receive a terrestrial body, but are not required to suffer a lifetime of trials by fire to remove any dross.  In addition, the billions of past abortions spit in the face of the false doctrine of “original sin” from conception; as proven through the heart of a loving and just God.  Mothers, fathers, doctors and pedophiles, equally repent this day; be strong, be healed and forgiven, ALL fetuses will be in Heaven. Glory to God, Heaven’s best angels are saved the trauma of this life and it’s painful trials.

When standing at the cash register with an angry individual, you can feel blessed knowing that you have inside information, that they are not aware of.   It gives me a sense of elevated understanding which promotes a Godly view of the circumstance, and how trivial the current situation really is in the scope of potentially spending eternity with this individual. 



This knowledge also gives us purpose in an ever-expanding universe, of billions of suns in our galaxy; and billions of galaxies in our universe.  You are not an insignificant particle floating in the vacuum of space.  You have a majestic purpose and destination; to share God’s love to others and secure your eternal home, based on your future actions.  You are the apple of His eye, each of your hairs are numbered.  He is preparing a unique and breathless home for each of His faithful two-thirds that are set on His right hand and told, “Well done thou good and faithful servant”.  Unfortunately, not all of the two-thirds will make it into Heaven after the final judgment, only a select few. 


Ultimately for me, it has encouraged and strengthened my ability to forgive even during the attack.  

Wherefore having once lived in heaven, knowing what is right to do, is silently written in our hearts.   Likewise, how much more should we be judged in that day, having once tasted of glory and the Divine?

For we came down from Heaven, not to do our will, but the will of Him that sent us.  Therefore, not unlike Jesus, our minds were erased for testing; to grow in obedience, wisdom, stature and favor with God.  Little children, we are all angels unaware. 



Wisdom cries out for fruit, not doctrine.