All scriptures are underlined.

Blood Rain

Beginning Of Sorrows


As shown in the Matrix or ‘Fingerprint of God’, blood rain is one of the first plagues to happen.  When you see these things rejoice.  Below are documented cases of it raining blood in the last few years.  


Blood Rain In India 2001 – Wikipedia Article

Blood Rain In India 2001 – YouTube Video

Blood Rain – Dr. Godfrey Louis, India

Blood Rain Reproduces In 600F Heat – CNN Article

Blood Rain In India – Sheffield University, England

Blood Rain In India 2007 – Wikipedia Article (see: Further occurrences)

Blood Rain In Columbia 2008 – Wikipedia Article

Blood Rain In Columbian Town Choco – Says Priest


For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy.

Blood Falls – Wikipedia on Blood Falls


Blood Falls – A Harvard Study


Blood Falls – NASA Blood Falls Imagery


Blood Falls – New York Times


Blood Falls – TIME on Blood Falls


Sky Splits – Indonesia, Yogyakarta – June 2010





Beloved, look up and rejoice for the marriage is near.