All scriptures are underlined.

Prodigal Sons

Prodigal Sons and Daughters


While praising God, I wept heavily that I was not able to praise Him like I wanted to, in this corrupt shell.  I begged that He should begin and end the tribulation, so that trillions of His saints can rise from the grave and praise Him as the ultimate gift to you our Father.  Oddly enough, the crystal clear small voice, immediately told me to consider the Prodigal Son.

This is probably the most well known of Jesus’ parables.   It tells of a son that lived a sinful life and returns to the open arms of his forgiving father.

As with all of Jesus’ multidimensional teachings, there is always more than appears on the surface.


Not only is the rapture the glorious hope of the saints, but also for the Father.  The Prodigal Son is really about the joy it brings the Father.   Love is best when it is experienced in both directions, us to Him and Him to us. 

A Historical Basis

The Bible says, that God knew us before we were formed in the womb.   In the past, God personally knew us and we knew Him.  Then we were (logically) sent away from Heaven presumably to prove our allegiance or free will to Him.  Also to be refined through the fire, as fine silver and gold.   All have thus left our first estate with minds erased as John the Baptist and Jesus had dealt with.   We all lived, died and are now in the grave, thoughtlessly sleeping and awaiting His return at the last trumpet  (i.e. after the sixth) to sound, to be caught up in the air to meet Him.  In unspeakable ecstasy, we will be instantly reunited to our past relationship with our Abba Daddy Father.   He has not seen many of us, since the eviction from the garden.


Bliss, Joy & Rapture

his will be joy unspeakable for us, however more importantly; none of us will enjoy this more than the Father and His Son.  It is the ultimate wedding gift and a blessing to God and Jesus.


Imagine trillions of saints, flying toward Him at the speed of light.   Every soul He has ever created from creation to present day, will return from a far country.



The Parable

Here is a deeper understanding of the Prodigal Son.  This Parable is a direct parallel to the events at the Rapture.  The Father was the one elated to see the son (us), He will run towards us, as fast as the lightning shoots from the east to the west, He will hug us and kiss us. 


The sinful son was humbled and stated his unworthiness.  The Father disregarded his son’s shame and put a white robe on him, a ring of marriage for his reward is with him.   He then killed the calf for the marriage supper.  


Not only will He accept us at His return, but we will be part of the largest wedding ceremony ever held followed by a wedding supper.   At which, the lamb our Jesus, will prepare and serve us.   Unthinkable, there will not be a dry eye at that feast table!   Both you and I, will humbly be attended to as royalty.   Not unlike when He washed the disciples feet.  I cannot imagine something so incredibly heart wrenching, as the Lamb of God serving us, the little filthy rags.


Trillions of Prodigal Sons and Daughters, what an unbelievable wedding gift to present, to the Holy Christ and Father. 

For He was dead and now He is alive again. 

We all must live, then die and then live again, in the new and improved, incorruptible bodies. 



Party Time

The Bible says that music and dancing were heard in the house where ‘they’ (The son and the Father) made merry. Beloved of God, hell is not where the party is. Yes, Heaven will be the location of unbridled dancing and music. Music will be played on every musical instrument mentioned in the old and new testament and many others that eye has not seen nor ear has not heard. 

Child of God, the rapture is not for our glory, self-entitlement or worthiness, but for the Father’s pleasure, glory, honor and praise.  He will be reunited with the original created beloved host of Heaven.  All glory to Him that sits on the throne and to the Lamb who is more than worthy.

We all have sinned and fallen short in the sight of God.  Yet if we pray the prayer of salvation, He will gather you and I to the ultimate reunion and feast that no human can adequately speak thereof.